
by Carol

Fascinator Made From Melted Recycled Pastic Bags

Fascinator made from melt recycled plastic bags and about 5 hours hard-working without the melt recycled plastic bag this is quite a complicated job! Basic as you can see we made the material from recycled plastic bags to melt, and we are cutting, and then glue to build a flower, this is the main flower totally done. And the other like a secondary flower and leaf! You will know this not a joke and We have to use 5 hours with the very tight. Just Thanks, God we don’t need to make hairpin or aluminum steel. It’s just a little bit hard to find them. However, we finally make a perfect Fascinator that point!



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Mariah Sells

Esta es la tipica manualidad ecologista inutil. Se pasaron 5 horas calentando, moldeando y pintando plastico para hacer algo que una fabrica hubiera hecho en 10 segundos. Muy linda, pero completamente antiecologica.

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