
by Jeanne Minnich

Corazón De Mi Corazón (Heart of My Heart)

The actual size of the heart itself is about 8 by 10 inches (20 X 25 cm). It consists entirely of scrap pieces of wood from my bandsaw that were glued, in a heart shape, onto a plywood substrate. All of it was then spray painted glossy white. Since I felt it needed a spot of color, I added a small red heart.

I cannot bear to throw anything away, as I feel that almost any object can be turned into art. I have saved these scraps for awhile, just waiting for the right vision.

This piece was donated to a silent auction (Toma Mi Corazón, or Take My Heart) that was held as a benefit to promote art activities for disadvantaged children.


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Recycling Phoenix

beautiful! <3

Sara Melendez
Sara Melendez

En verdad esta muy lindo, es rebonito.

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