Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts

The idea of making this type of work took shape when I made with my students – young people from special education who are taking courses in Computer Science with a vocational orientation – a workshop of techno-art with recycling.

In this workshop, they build portraits and boxes out of upcycled electronics components, also integrating some toys, small dolls and other metallic elements, washers, nuts, watches, magnets, etc… I experimented with the idea that if we gathered together (with more of my input at the beginning) the materials and the pieces of waste – and I gave them some ideas for their works and, above all, the slogan to free themselves to be able to invent their works, leaving aside “what should be or how it should look” to really express themselves – they would succeed in creating a beautiful production of what I call “techno-art“.

La idea de comercializar este tipo de obras fue tomando cuerpo cuando realicé con mis alumnos, jóvenes de educación especial que toman cursos de Informática con orientación laboral, un taller de Arte tecno con reciclado, en el que fabricaron portarretratos y cajas de este estilo, integrando también algunos juguetes y muñecos pequeños y otros elementos metálicos, arandelas, tuercas, piezas de relojería, imanes, etc., además de los deshechos de computación. Experimenté con la idea de que si reuníamos entre todos (con más aporte mío en un principio) los materiales y las piezas de deshecho, y les daba yo algunas ideas para sus obras y, sobre todo, la consigna de liberarse para poder inventar su obras, dejando de lado “lo que debería ser o cómo debería verse” para expresarse realmente, ellos lograría crear una linda producción de arte tecno.

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 1 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 3 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 5 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 7 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 9 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 11 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 13 • Recycled Electronic Waste

Techno Art: Recycled Art from Computer Electronic Parts 15 • Recycled Electronic Waste


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