Diy Video Tutorial: Upcycled Soda Bottle Vertical Garden

In Canada, it can be quite a while before our winter blahs turn to green pastures again. I made this Soda Bottle Vertical Garden to tide me over until spring. I decided to make a DIY Video Tutorial to share this entertaining project!

Don’t throw out those 2-liter bottles when they’re empty! Turn them into a Soda Bottle Vertical Garden!

Using empty soda bottles for this project ties in perfectly to my philosophy of sustainable crafting – using what you have – and the best part is that they are free! We’re not soda drinkers, but we found an entire box of empties in our neighbor’s blue bin and whisked them away to create this project. Watch the video to see it come together and visit my blog (Birds of a Feather ~ Craft Rehab) for the step-by-step tutorial.

Soda Bottle Vertical Garden is made with common items from a home center.
With simple supplies you can get at any home center, you can upcycle ordinary 2-liter soda bottles into unique vertical planters!
This trio of Soda Bottle Vertical Garden planters allows you to use that sunny window to the maximum.
Make the vertical garden as small or tall as you want. Plan for plant growth so the cuttings can grow vertically too.
The clear Soda Bottle Vertical Garden will let your kids watch the root systems develop as the plant gets larger.
This planter project is a great project to do with the children. Watch the roots grow through the clear planter pots.

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nevada dovell
nevada dovell

what keeps the bottle from falling down the wire?

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