Diy video tutorials

Diy Video Tutorial: Using Wall Stencils To Beautify Your Home

Wallpaper is expensive, and difficult to install. Painting is easier, but can be a little drab. Add some style and flair the easy way to beautify your home Using Wall Stencils!

Wall Stencils are fun, and the possibilities are endless!

Stencils are a simple process. You can purchase stencils or you can make your own. Choose your color(s), get a stenciling sponge and prepare to have a great time creating a unique expression of your style!

This DIY Video Tutorial will show you how easy and creative doing your own wall stencils will be!
Load up your stenciling sponge, but not too much! You don’t want to press on the wall and have excess paint squeeze out and over the edge of the stencil! You’re better off with having to go back and touch up an area than having too much paint!
After taping up the stencil, it’s common that it may bow away from the wall a bit. Just use your free hand and hold it tightly against the wall, and begin dabbing.

Follow Sikana on YouTube & Facebook! With your new skills, you’ll need an awesome Helmet Wall Light to bring attention to your hard work!
