A favourite find at thrift stores would have to be abandoned zippers. These can be turned into amazing statement necklaces. The zipper pulls become substitute beads and the zipper bodies can be turned into feminine bows.
A favourite find at thrift stores would have to be abandoned zippers. These can be turned into amazing statement necklaces. The zipper pulls become substitute beads and the zipper bodies can be turned into feminine bows.
Kalung retsleting?W blm bsa ngliat mba..Nanti y..Thanx bngt info ny :D
I want one!
Keren mba!kuat banget unsur punx ny..hmm..menarik..w pun jg ad 1 olahan dr zipper udh dr bbrp th lalu jg..blom w final2n.. :D lg k skip..mba klo tmen2 anak lo ad yg mo wedges ato jacket ny di taroin rante berkabar y.. ;)