This lamp is made from recycled cardboard! Just have to add the wires and bulb and it works!
Dimensions : 70cm x 55cm x 18cm.
This lamp is made from recycled cardboard! Just have to add the wires and bulb and it works!
Dimensions : 70cm x 55cm x 18cm.
this lamp was inspired by Taf Architects
it works now and it will be burning soon.. totally fire un-safely. electrical- engineering fail.
of course – every light source (even LED diodes) warm up during work. so – try to put in this lamp normal or halogen bulb [in appropriate size] turn it on and wait. temperature of bulb’s filament it about trom 2500K to 3000K = 2227 ‘C to 2727 ‘C. cardboard will start burn after several minutes. compact fluorescent lamp is not good too, because it’s electronic circuit warm up to about 80 ‘C – still dangerous. with LED source it depends how much it will warm up (after long work) – from 50 ‘C to 120’C – but it’s still… Read more »
Maybe only use LED bulbs?
i’m sorry but i made this lamp and i use it very often. And i’m still alive and not carbonized ! ;-)
As many lamps (, it warms up a little but as much as paper lamps or other kinds. If you take the right kind of bulb it’s ok ! and the lampshade is widely open in order to let the heat diffusing
If you don’t like my work it’s your choice ! Many customers never complained and enjoy my lamps ! If you don’t know about cardboard furniture and its physics, please inform yourself!
Best regards
The fact that your lamp hasn’t self-combusted is hardly a guarantee someone else won’t make one with a far-too-high wattage bulb and burn their house down. I’d seriously hate to have something like that on my conscience. Cardboard is a surprisingly sturdy material for building all sorts of things but for items that have to tolerate high temperatures… hardly! IF you use a small bulb and IF you provide plenty of room around it for heat dissipation, you can get away with things like this but it’s hardly a safe idea. Suggesting a project like this to people who may… Read more »
2 forms of possibly improving this great design: 1) Cover the inside surface of the bulb cup with an isolating component based on asbestos dust. This may help avoiding “spontanous combustion” 2) Redesign the cup with a parabolic shape to disperse heat from the center of the bulb and generate even more light field. I hope these two suggestions may work alright.
I DO love your work, congratulations ! :-) Cardboard furniture is still unfortunately quite unknown by many people but the solidity and the water- and air- tightness of this free waste material will soon be appreciated by eveyone ! I’m convinced that corrugated cardboard is one of the ideal environmentally-friendly building materials of the future ! Many British designers, like Giles Miller, designed a wide range of cardboard fireproof lamps like you But I DO like your personal patterns, such as the oriental one ! :-) Good job !