Clothing & Accessories

Recycled Clothing bunny by TouchedbyLavender

Recycled Clothing bunny by TouchedbyLavender

Hand Painting on Shoes!

Displayable and Wearable Fashion: Hand Painting on Shoes!

Painting on Leather Jackets

Displayable Wearable Art: Painting on Leather Jackets

Recycled Cereal Box Earrings

Recycled Cereal Box Earrings

Recycled Fishing Rope Into Necklace

Recycled Fishing Rope Into Necklace

Metal Messenger Bag

Metal Messenger Bag

Basket Made from Recycled Aluminum Pizza Pan

Basket Made from Recycled Aluminum Pizza Pan

Frida Kahlo Recycled Necklaces

Frida Kahlo Recycled Necklaces


Upcycled Soil Bag Into Gym Bag

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