I would worry about other nasties too, like animal (rat/mouse) feces and black mold, if it were left outside or in a warehouse for any length of time. Super cute design, though.
I think this is gorgeous and I found this pots by googling ‘DIY pallet cradle’. I plan to make one for my baby and i can see the extreme attention to sanding that the creator of this beauty has taken in sanding every surface smoothy and placing the bars the safe distance apart. It’s good to be concerned about the chemicals that the wood has been treated with or what has been sitting on them. I know my pallets have had software and hardware on them and are not treated timber. I’m not worried about them having sat in a… Read more »
People have to check for pesticide use before re-using pallets!
Very unsafe design. Cradles that have protruding posts that can catch baby clothes can result in strangulation of infants. Such cradles are banned by federal regulation. BAD DESIGN!
I would worry about the chemicals the wood was treated with.
I would worry about other nasties too, like animal (rat/mouse) feces and black mold, if it were left outside or in a warehouse for any length of time. Super cute design, though.
I think this is gorgeous and I found this pots by googling ‘DIY pallet cradle’. I plan to make one for my baby and i can see the extreme attention to sanding that the creator of this beauty has taken in sanding every surface smoothy and placing the bars the safe distance apart. It’s good to be concerned about the chemicals that the wood has been treated with or what has been sitting on them. I know my pallets have had software and hardware on them and are not treated timber. I’m not worried about them having sat in a… Read more »
People have to check for pesticide use before re-using pallets!
Absolutely! Here is a good page to learn about pallets safety before starting any new project with repurposed pallets: https://www.1001pallets.com/pallet-safety/
Pas très sain le bois de palette…
Raphael voila quoi faire de tes palettes :D
Bonjour les échardes.
Very unsafe design. Cradles that have protruding posts that can catch baby clothes can result in strangulation of infants. Such cradles are banned by federal regulation. BAD DESIGN!