Do-It-Yourself Ideas ❯ Door –> Toddler Bed !
Creative idea for a beautiful result !
++ MyRepurposedLife
#bed#doors#kids recycle projects#red
what a great idea.
so cute!
aga ikkagi, kõõritan eesti pärimust samalaadsete kohapealt pea eluaeg, et sellised saab käsitleda kui kirstvoodeid… ;)
I just picked up an old door off the side of the road. Too bad I don’t have a toddler… oh wait.
door to door bed!
Cool idea as long as you don’t use an old door painted with lead paint.
Thats awesome I would like to do that but I would try a day bed style
Love it!
what a great idea.
so cute!
aga ikkagi, kõõritan eesti pärimust samalaadsete kohapealt pea eluaeg, et sellised saab käsitleda kui kirstvoodeid… ;)
I just picked up an old door off the side of the road. Too bad I don’t have a toddler… oh wait.
door to door bed!
Cool idea as long as you don’t use an old door painted with lead paint.
Thats awesome I would like to do that but I would try a day bed style
Love it!