Kevin’s idea is to keep from sending stuff to the landfill. The boots were too shabby to send to Goodwill so they would have wound up in our trash. The jeans were so worn out, beyond repair, so he cut them off below the damaged knees. The seat is made from left over upholstery scraps, carpet padding and scrap lumber.
Yerno infiel reciclado por un suegro.
Wendy Pearce
Julianne Greyhouse Phill Hibbert
burk !!!! oh non ça me gêne quelque part …. ça doit remonter dans mon enfance docteur !!!! klol
Une paire de plus à cirer, non merci !( lol )
Henry Robert des barres !
Does it actually support itself? I love it
Hiper realist
A little scary
it`s a bit drastic!
Me asusta!
Definitely different o m