Peruvian Skateboard Art

Chris Dyer is a Peruvian artist living in Montreal, Canada. He has skateboarded since the age of 8 in 1987 and has been an environmentalist since he went tree planting in 2000. For the past ten years, Chris has been recycling is own broken skateboards and turning them into paintings and sculptures. He has done hundreds by now, that you can see in is web pages (the Facebook fan page albums are more straightforward). With the years, the work has progressed more n more into sculptures, culminating in a 9-foot tall robot/chair that is made out of over 65 broken skates.

Peruvian Skateboard Art 1 • Recycled Art

Peruvian Skateboard Art 2 • Recycled Art

Peruvian Skateboard Art 3 • Recycled Art


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Dominique Kumba Boisnier via Facebook
Dominique Kumba Boisnier via Facebook

tout simplement magnifique <3

Isabelle Desaulniers

Wow !

Sydorécup et créations

superbe !

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