
by Reusine

Upcycled Door Becomes This Mirrored Coat Rack

Don’t waste the wood if you’re doing a remodel! Look how an Upcycled Door Becomes This Mirrored Coat Rack with just a bit of creativity and a few simple parts!

Dress up your entryway or living room with this pretty Mirrored Coat Rack

The cabinet measures 150 x 54 cm and its mirror is 32 x 23 cm. I equipped it with 2 coat hooks, a mirror, a large rounded shelf and 3 storage bins. I had fun with some unique, multi-colored decorations. This coat rack is cheerful and original. Add casters to make it mobile to change up your home decor!

Une porte devient ce meuble porte manteau à miroir. Il mesure 150 x 54 cm et son miroir fait 32 x 23 cm. Doté de 2 crochets portemanteaux, d’un miroir, d’un large plateau arrondi et de 3 bacs de rangement. Création décorée de façon unique, multicolore, gaie et originale. Parfait dans une entrée. Roulettes disponibles sur demande.

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