What can we do with plastic straws after use? For example, fast food chains give out more than 50 million meals per year that contribute significantly to a landfill full of straws. The good news is that these straws can be reused towards art and craft projects!
Desk lamp made from cut straws.
Another desk lamp from repurposed straws.
What about a beautiful pendant lamp? Use only LED bulbs if you don’t want your lamp to burn.
Hmmm don’t know exactly what is it, but it should have take time to make it :)
A lovely desk lamp from upcycled straws.
If you want your subway plan decoration on your wall, straws are perfect to make it!
Big letters in a shopping mall made out of straws.
Colorful chandeliers made with colored straws.
Another original chandelier made out of straws, if you have patience, you could do one too :)
Design light, this is an excellent example that even with simple plastic straws you can make something design.
Other ideas of chandeliers made from repurposed straws.
Christmas is coming and you don’t want to spend a lot of money in your wreath, why not doing it with straws? Cheap, original & nice :)
I appreciate the sentiment, but these items I cannot believe were made from USED straws. I use a lot of straws for bead stringing with children. These both look like assortments available at Walmart – maybe they used them first. . . . . I think they are very cool, but not recycled. I am prepared to be corrected of wrong.
Hardly recycling. They have to be used to qualify as recycled. Somehow I don’t think these people collected and washed the straw used in these projects. Come on Recyclart, get with the program.
Tout à fait d’accord ! c’est pas du recyclage ça !! ?
This is not recycling !!
Emilie Lajournade ;) ludique!
this is more a contribution to consumerism than recycling.