Counting down for Christmas, so Santa is coming to town…soon…
I found this beautiful Santa wreath DIY at that you can make easily to decorate your home entrance or to make a handmade gift for friends and family. For this wreath you’ll need:
- 50 yards of white tulle On a spool (less yardage, obviously, if it’s from a bolt), cut to 15″ pieces.
- 12″ wreath form.
- 1 adult sized Santa hat.
- 1 scrap piece of ribbon and needle and thread.
- Hot glue gun, scissors, pen. based the size of the wreath form on the Santa hat they had found and recommend taking your hat with you to see what size works best. First, place the hat on your wreath and mark where it each side ends on the wreath. Then you’ll only have to tie your tulle around to those marks.
If you have a green wreath like I do, it doesn’t hurt to quickly wrap some white tulle around it to minimize the chance of the green showing through. If you have a white wreath, you’re good to go.
Start tying your 15″ white tulle strips around the wreath, from one mark to the other. A simple knot will do just fine. If you are planning to add a mustache to your Santa wreath, wrap and tie a piece of tulle around the wreath, about 2 inches below where the tulle will meet the hat. I did this while still working on the beard, but I actually think it would be easier to wait until the beard is completely done. For the mustache, cut the remaining 15″ tulle strips in half. Then, tie them around the piece of tulle you wrapped around the middle of the wreath. Again, a simple knot is all it takes. Finally, use your glue gun to secure the hat onto the wreath. I glued both sides. I took my leftover tulle strips, balled them up and stuffed them into the hat for a little extra volume. Then I glued the front of the hat and the back to the wreath to hold it all in. To hang the wreath, the best thing to do is to simply stitch a piece of scrap ribbon to the back of the hat. You could try to hot glue this, but I think a needle and thread will make it a lot more sturdy, especially if you’re hanging it on a door that opens and shuts often. Want to make him even simpler? Don’t add a mustache. Still adorable.
My Mom in the 70’s gave us a wire coat hanger and plastic baggies . We shaped the hanger into a circle first . Then we cut the end off the baggies and tied them in their middle around the hanger until we filled it up . Fluffed them out and added a Big Old Red Bow . That was pretty cool back then , a water , weather proof wreath : }’s