Find Treasures Around You With Ios/Android App Curbit

Curbit is an app for iOS and Android that helps you find treasures on the side of the road. Curbit was founded by Dean and Diony McPherson, and its purpose is to clean the streets and to be the app for free stuff.

The aim of Curbit is a discovery mechanism for things that have been put out in the streets for pickup or dumped. The principle of the app is relatively simple to post an item:

  • You take a photo,
  • You write a brief description.

The geolocalisation of the items is automatically done by the app. You can see posted items around you on a map, with any special pickup instructions. Once something is picked up, it’s automatically removed from the app (and the map).


Curbit App is a nice idea, by creating a destination for free stuff, it will enable those that perhaps can’t afford a coffee table to be able to get one without paying a cent. Given that we are potentially going to see more refugees than ever entering the country with nothing having a non­centralised infrastructure to support them will be key. A solution like Curbit doesn’t depend on direct government involvement, and will allow people to take ownership of their local community.

Also, with the rise of DIY maker culture with the value placed on restoration and recycling old materials, Curbit can help by connecting the maker with their next restoration piece.


More details on the user experience with Curbit:

The first time you open the app you are taken through onboarding, that explains what Curbit is, and then you create an account. After onboarding, the main view loads, displaying a feed of curbed items in the order, they were posted within 5km from your current location. The items display their picture, a short description and the distance from you. You can save the items by double tapping the photo or pressing a heart icon. Saves can be accessed by clicking the heart icon in the top navigation bar.

If you tap the location on the item, it will open up the coordinates in whatever maps application you have installed on your device for navigation. Press the description and you can see the location on a map within the app itself, and the full address of where it is, as well as any special pickup instructions, if there are any. When you’re less than 50 meters away from the item, you can indicate whether the item is gone or you have taken it. Items marked as taken automatically disappear from the app.

You can post an item by pressing the Add button. The posting process asks you to take a photo and then enter a short description. Your geo­coordinates are recorded automatically to tag the location of the object. You can also optionally enter in pickup instructions if the item is not in an obvious place (for example you could leave the item on your porch or in your car space). This is to accommodate when you put an item out yourself and need to place it in a legal location, which may or may not be the kerb, depending on arrangements with your local government.

So, why not give a try to Curbit as the app is actually completely free. Maybe you will find a treasure for your next recycling project near you! At Recyclart, we always encourage such kind of projects, well done Dean & Diony!


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