Inverted Constellation On Cork

It is very rare that I leave the secure world of templates and printables to try myself in a semi-artistic way. However, last week I decided to channel my inner artist and painted this little picture on a cork. It is not great art but I am still a little proud. My idea was to paint a night sky with constellations but with inverted colors. Instead of a midnight sky and white stars, I chose a white sky with dark blue stars. The first feedback I’ve got was of course that I should have used the colors correctly and the other way around.

I think it took me about seven hours until the starry sky was finished because I painted all the tiny little dots and lines with a toothpick. Below you can see a comparison of my constellation and the image that I used for reference. The cork painting hangs now in my living room and continues to confuse my visitors.




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Christian Peiffer

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