The tile in our dining room fireplace was old and severely damaged so after some Google inspiration and pricing new tiles; we went with pennies!! Check out our penny fireplace +the custom R for our last name. This was all majorly impact to our friend Dirk who is the expert when it comes to tile work and remodeling things. Every other penny is flipped head to bottom with some treasure hunts along the way ;) A little less than 5,400 pennies, reused base molding, Bandera used for the penny adhesive, brown grout, and two coats of polyurethane.
Roger Racine pretty neat huh?
It’s quite pretty in a smalll treatment like this–
Love the initial in the corner!
LOVE this!!!
Kyle Mitchell backslash for your kitchen???
At only about $1.20 per square foot!
Adam Birch made me think of you.x
Yeh they look awesome don’t they ? xx
Pretty cool.x
Wow!!!!! I love that.
What type of polyurethane did you use around the fireplace? Was it heat and fire resistant? Thinking of doing something similar and looking for guidance.