Marin Hood is a San Francisco Bay Area artist. Her work is mostly in embroidery but she completed a series of works using recycled bikes, bike wheels and jars. Her chandeliers are both beautiful and comment on energy conservation without feeling prescribed.
++ More at Marin website !
Gorgeous as their creator :-)
LOVE these! I have a wee cabin in the woods and these are going to be PerFecto!
Thanks SEW much for posting!
I am interested in the pattern for the lamp jars. I did not see a link to it any where. Can I get it sent to me.
I,too, would love pattern for the jar lamps. I have an idea how they are made, but directions do help my old brain out.
Please I woudl like instructions also. Please e-mail thank you so much
Yes please – would love some instructions. Thanks
I would love the lamp instructions as well. Please, please, please. They are awesome!
OOOhh I would love the lamp instructions also, is there somewhere to purchase the pattern? Thank you.
Nice work!!
the lamps are indeed pretty cool. they look like an upside down jar with a fitted crocheted mesh wrapped around it. there’s a lot of possibility there!
awesome i loke them, i will got a new home and search for a lot of recylcling ideas for there.
thank you very much to share your wokrk;-D
I’d like the pattern too! I’m thinking about some of these in my living room. Trying to create a moroccan type look.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have the pattern for the jar lamps! It appears that there once was a link to a Google Site for Ms. Marin Hood (possibly with the patterns), but it is either now defunct or has been changed and Recyclart hasn’t updated the page. Can someone please help? Thanks!
Génial !
WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for bike