The painting of the cans was done with synthetic turquoise and yellow enamel. Mix the turquoise and the yellow paint, and after drying, you will have a beautiful green color. Then, a hole was made in the lid of the can and half of cork was screwed. For the other can, two corks were attached as handles with a bead or plastic bead. The inside of the cans was finished with colored papers.
Pintura esmalte sintético color turquesa y color amarillo. Se mezclan y se obtiene color verde seco. Se pinta una lata de pan dulce con tapa y una lata de duraznos. Luego se realiza una perforación en la tapa de la lata y se atornilla la mitad de un corcho. Para la otra lata se pega con silicona dos corchos a modo de manijas con una mostacilla o cuenta de plástico. Las latas se forran con papeles de colores por dentro.