Als Auto Art started by chance after waiting for something to be picked up – the buyer was late so I decided to taking a gear box apart for the housing to mount a seat on it, once we had all the innards out of the gear box my mate said well if you’re bored make something – so I did and the creation done as a light-hearted gift for my fiancée for Easter was a big hit and people wanted their own, so the evolution started
ping Amina S-y ça te rappelle quoi??? tjrs pas trouvé moi :(
Robert Francis Campigotto lembrei de vc qnd vi…
Cool beans.
Meriem mon robot :-D y en avait au salon de l’artisanat, au stand du Burkina Faso.
Cette foiiiis???
Oui oui, des petits.
J’ai complètement oublié que tu voulais un. Sorry :(
That is awesome