I have been collecting seaglass for years, with LED light from behind it gives a soft and mystical atmosphere. typical dutch crazy design…..
I have been collecting seaglass for years, with LED light from behind it gives a soft and mystical atmosphere. typical dutch crazy design…..
I have never heard of seaglass before, but that is beautiful. Makes me wish I owned some!
We have a peace from Artjan in our hotel and its beautiful, a lot of our guest find it amazing
keep up the good work Artjan
Regards GuS
Ceativiteit en pragmatisme gebundeld in een unique stijl. Abstractie tot bruikbaarheid gevormd. Het raakt mij.
I find your art amazing! I collect sea glass but rarely make anything out of it! Your display is gorgeous!AriadnefromGreece!
Great stuff. I work with sea glass too, out of Dakar, Senegal… Les Ateliers Symbyoze on FB