Stephanie Vandal Art

Theses assemblages are composed of recuperated items and diverted from their primary function to create disparate creatures. Art, recycling and vintage passion are combined. Piece by piece, the character is defined, a personality emerges randomly with the work evolution, brings a breath of life to the composition and carries us into a particular visual universe with steampunk, anachronistic and junk art influences.

Recycled materials :
Big man:football ball, wheels, wood bowl, etc
Aviator: iron, baby shoes soll, etc.
Bird: forks, curtain pole tio, etc.



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Merle Fou via Facebook

Looks a lot like the works of Stephane Halleux.

Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook
Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook

Yes, i hear it often ! Its the reason that i try to make different today ! Curiously, my inspiration was Tim Burton movies and steampunk influences !

Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook
Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook

merci :)

Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook
Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook

Garbage: Je viens de voir tes lampes, vraiment génial !

Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook
Stéphanie Vandall via Facebook le bon lien pour ma galerie…car celui sur la page de recyclart ne fonctionne pas ! Merci !

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