Take all pairs of glasses you can find in the second-hand stores, and with a lot of imagination and work, you can maybe do as Stuart Haygarth who is creating some lights with 1000 pieces…! Incredible!
Take all pairs of glasses you can find in the second-hand stores, and with a lot of imagination and work, you can maybe do as Stuart Haygarth who is creating some lights with 1000 pieces…! Incredible!
Coooool stuff!
Wow you will never loose your readers…lol
OMG! This is awesome.
I’m sorry. I too reuse everything I can get my hands on but. . . these glasses could benefit so many people who can’t afford them. . .
I love this! I have so many of these cheaters and old prescriptions..
Lustre -lunettes :un peu “limite” :ça fait penser à quelquechose de pas très glorieux (mais j’ai peut-être l’esprit “tordu” )…..