I made art using books because one day I cut a book. Really. I did it… I don’t know why… It was an old book, that nobody was going to read again (too strange book…), so I thought, “I have to do something with it…”. And… I cut it, and it became another object, with another king of utility… I loved the idea.
For the process, I always do the same: first of all, I open the book, and… I begin to work without thinking….
I love this.
Michelle Fox
Monica next projects? lol
Very clever, but I hope this trend for bastardising books soon comes to an end.
So sorry that you don’t like this kind of work… I understand you: I love books and at first look, it can be shocking…. I use only old books, that it’s not possible to read (Part II without the part I, damaged books, …)… I just try to give them another life…. ;)
Да, повреждённые старые, вторая жизнь! Это прекрасно!
I think your work is extremely well crafted, and kudos to you for using only damaged books – I fear there are people out there who don’t have your scruples, ie the individual who ‘hollows-out’ books to make fairy houses???? Thanks for your response and giving me a better understanding.
Thank you for publishing my work ;))
These are lovely! Beautiful techniques, almost missed the finger coming out of the flower. Love the whimsy☺?