Amazing, Realistic Cardboard Sculptures Imitate Life!

It’s easy to replicate anything with cardboard, and I love making these realistic Cardboard Sculptures! If you live in a city, it’s an economical art medium. I usually make cardboard furniture and realistic sculptures. Keep recycling!!

These Cardboard Sculptures are so realistic, you expect the record player and TVs to work!

Cardboard Sculptures are created to imitate objects - in this case, they're shaped like TVs!
I use cardboard to create sculptures that resemble real objects, such as these cardboard TVs.
Cardboard Sculptures become little lit townhouses!
Create a mini town with a fun nightlight to illuminate the windows!
This turntable won't play records, but it sure looks like it could. Amazing Cardboard Sculptures
This sculpture looks like it is ready to play! Amazing!

Check out this recycled water bottle artwork! Or make yourself a wicked-cool LED-lit Pallet Bar!


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Scott Brown
Scott Brown


Ang Pryor via Facebook
Ang Pryor via Facebook

$10 is CHEAP in these parts…you can pay that just for the cup and saucer…

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