Chicago artist Mary Ellen Croteau collected recycled plastic bottle caps to tile, layer and juxtapose each cap in order to create a self-portrait mosaic titled “CLOSE“. An amazing work !
From the artist:
Plastic bottle caps – like bags, a plastic product that can’t be/ isn’t recycled. I conceived of an “endless column” of these caps, after Constantin Brancussi’s iconic modernist sculpture. One became two, and two became many. While making these columns, I noticed the smaller caps tended to nest inside one another, and the color combinations reminded me of Chuck Close’s painted portraits. So I got sidetracked and started on a large self-portrait made entirely of bottle caps. The piece measures 8 feet by 7 feet. No paint is used, except to delineate a few shadows where white board was showing through. In a few cases, the caps are trimmed in order to fit a tight space.
meraviglioso complimenti!!!!