To do bags from old jeans, you just need a sewing machine and some imagination to create all kinds of bags from your ancient and unused jeans.You can decide the shape, just look at the trouser differently. The upper part of the closing
You can choose the shape, just look at the trouser differently. The upper part of the jeans becomes in itself a bag. You can also use strings, things that can be sewn as an option, etc …
Basta una macchina da cucire e un po’ di fantasia per creare in tanti modi una borsa riutilizzando dei vecchi Jeans.
La forma la potete decidere voi, basta guardare il pantalone in modo diverso. La parte alta del pantalone chiudendola diventa di per se’ una borsa. possiamo utilizzare anche corde, cose che possono essere cucite come opzional ecc…
If you like this idea, you should also check these snack bags out of repurposed jeans!
A throwback to the 60’s/70’s — we made plenty ;)