Plastic Bag Mandalas

Artist Virginia Fleck lives in a cozy little house in Austin TX with 100’s of thousands of plastic bags that she has been amassing for the past decade. Armed only with and exacto knife and a bunch of tape she transforms the would be trash into large scale intricately crafted, logo laden, meditation mandalas that analyze the activity of of shopping as a spiritual encounter. She sites celebrity yoga and Hollywood Buddhism as her inspirations.
See more of her work at Virginia Fleck website !

Plastic Bag Mandalas 1 • Accessories

dot 500

CO2 mandala 60 inches

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April Busch via Facebook
April Busch via Facebook

very very cool. nice to see something vibrant from something wasteful


Such beautiful works of art! I love the colors and the fact that they are made from recycled materials. Thank you for sharing!

John Woodard

Stephanie Anne Woodard

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