Up for the Challenge? KP is still looking for new and creative examples of how you’re recycling and creating those envelopes! Here is a little photo update for everyone. I made this recent envelope from a used cake box – it’s not trash, it’s art! ;)
Original Post:
I challenge you all to join me in recycling your packages and envelopes. See how many times you can reuse one single parcel – remember, the tape goes a long way (and adds character). Or hey, create an entirely new creation from trash – the sky is the limit! Please send me photos of your recycled packages and I will add them to my blog!
,,, i love your site . how do i send you a photo of my notebook which i made from packaging of consumer products , old jeans / lace & beads ? i love making this because my workSite is just in front of my sewing machine ,,,
Rebecca! This is WAAAAY overdue. I just noticed your comment! My apologies.
Thank you for such a lovely response. Are you still interested in submitting anything to my blog?
You can visit it here: https://kparkerdesign.wordpress.com/
Feel free to email me too: in**@kp***********.net
Cheers and thanks ~ KP
I use empty cereal, cracker boxes as gift boxes, make handles with old yarn, shoe laces, instead of tissue paper, use newspaper comics
I find cheep and cheerful big metal boxes on the docks around seattle and make houses out of them. Does that count? https://www.facebook.com/ShelterKraft?pnref=lhc