Recycled Illuminations

Miy Recycled Plastic Bottle Lantern Creations: “Recycled illuminations” by Maddylane!
A fun and creative way to recycle plastic bottles into colorful illuminating creations… while saving the landfills one creation at a time. An easy Eco-friendly craft creation that can be made by children of all ages. It’s a fun art class project, also ideal for after school programs and summer day camp activity. Using plastic bottles of various sizes with a few basic supplies. These illuminating colorful creations can be made under one hours. Simple patterns are created with stickers or painter’s tape, and adorned with decorative wire and beads. These green craft lanterns are perfect to illuminate a patio or deck at home or at the cottage. A fun green craft to do with the kids at anytime!

Recycled Illuminations 1 • Lamps & Lights
Recycled Illuminations 2 • Lamps & Lights
Recycled Illuminations 3 • Lamps & Lights

++ miycreations by Maddylane

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whaouhhhhh, whaouhhhhh, whaouhhhhh

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