Everything is recycable, sometimes in something usefull, sometimes in something artistic like these old tea bags reused in an very original way !
++ Made by Artist Valeria Burgoa
Everything is recycable, sometimes in something usefull, sometimes in something artistic like these old tea bags reused in an very original way !
++ Made by Artist Valeria Burgoa
great ! but my daughter made a kimono and handbag out of tea-bagswhen she was at school…I have never drunk so much tea ..neither had all my neighbours, who kept being invited in…
thanks for sharing !keep up the recycling bug….I use all promotional CDs as mirrors on the wall or coasters for drinks..
@lorette : have you a picture of the kimono and the handbag made by your daughter with tea bags ?
I am a big fan of your work and the concept of turning used tea bags into amazing pieces of art. I work in a multinational advertising agency based in Dubai and one of my biggest clients is Lipton Tea.
I would love to bring your work to life in this part of the world, by exhibiting your art in a Gallery here in Dubai with the help of Lipton.
Kindly let me know how we can get in touch to discuss this further.
See my web site and
Hi if you aré integrares in recicles art See my works at http://www.flickr.com/photos/denisblachardart
Måske vi alligevel kan bruge alle de kopper med teposer der altid bor på bordet til noget…. Jes Mogensen…?