I have been collecting toilet paper rolls for 4 years with no goal (about 70 rolls, I need to run some statistic to see my daily consumption :)).
When I have wondered what can I do with that, I rapidly thought to a hip 60’s lampshade. As an engineer, I need some nerd calculations and design. Obviously, I have made a geodesic sphere optimising the roll quantity I get.
:) where are you? … I make same rollLampshade for my bedroom:))
surely a fire hazzard?
Very cool would look good in a bedroom how do you make it? How to put it together?
Too creative. I have collected few toilet rolls for kids craft butvwish to use in lamp.
Thamk you for sharing
Brilliant…. Me too collecting small tubes those come with stitching threads….since the size s so small I don’t know how to design the basic diagram …can u please help me …
To add some spray for fireproofing the whole — I am, of course, making this for the toilet. Thanks for your tutorial