This is actually really sad because what it means is that where this crab is living there is more litter on the beach than clean, available shells for him to move to when he grows. Crabs using garbage as shells also can’t defend themselves from predators as easily because they can’t pull their bodies fully into the “shell”. He’s a cute little trooper.
bambang pe
Wow anymalcraft, is still still live or dead
dream too much ….
Online Web Design
This is so cute! I wonder how long he stayed in it, they like to curl around a shell, so I can’t imagine he stayed long!
This is the ultimate in recycling
this is sad. but atleast it’s not plastic. lets just hope the paint from the bottlecap doesn’t cause chemical poisoning
OOOOHHH no lo había visto!! que tierno!!! lo adoro…
The bracelet looks prettier on her than it would have on me. ; )
Dulce Arrevillaga Lazaro via Facebook
No definitivamente este no me encanta :((
Although it may be sad, it did remind everyone who has viewed this of the importance of recycling and our fragile enviroment. When I lived in the desert it was illegal to remove dead and rotting vegatation, because this is also a part of our eco system. please remember that the next time someone tosses something out of your moving smog machine called a car.
This is actually really sad because what it means is that where this crab is living there is more litter on the beach than clean, available shells for him to move to when he grows. Crabs using garbage as shells also can’t defend themselves from predators as easily because they can’t pull their bodies fully into the “shell”. He’s a cute little trooper.
Wow anymalcraft, is still still live or dead
dream too much ….
This is so cute! I wonder how long he stayed in it, they like to curl around a shell, so I can’t imagine he stayed long!
This is the ultimate in recycling
this is sad. but atleast it’s not plastic. lets just hope the paint from the bottlecap doesn’t cause chemical poisoning
OOOOHHH no lo había visto!! que tierno!!! lo adoro…
even the smalest action can move a mountain!
The bracelet looks prettier on her than it would have on me. ; )
No definitivamente este no me encanta :((
Although it may be sad, it did remind everyone who has viewed this of the importance of recycling and our fragile enviroment. When I lived in the desert it was illegal to remove dead and rotting vegatation, because this is also a part of our eco system. please remember that the next time someone tosses something out of your moving smog machine called a car.