According to “”, about 1 million plastic bags are used every minute worldwide… a staggering figure. What is then the best way to fight this ecological disaster and at the same time acknowledge the futility of the task? Use plastic bags as yarn to knit sweaters, scarves and mittens for trees.
Throughout the summer, emerging artist Isabelle Garbani will collect unwanted plastic shopping bags from visitors to Governors Island in New York City. These will be cut and used as yarn to knit sweaters, scarves, and mittens for the trees of the island. Visitors are encouraged to participate and sit and knit with the artist.
The installation opens to the public on Memorial Day Weekend and closes September 24th, 2011. The artist will accept bags and knit every Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 pm. Knit For Trees is located on Governors Island on Liggett Terrace, next to Figment’s mini-golf and the stealth bomber.
Isabelle Garbani is a Brooklyn based artist who works mainly with alternative materials. She exhibits her work throughout the New York metropolitan area and the Northeast. Her art focuses on contemporary issues and culture and can be seen at Isabelle Garbani website and this project can be found at Knit For Trees website !
Cute, but I kind of question whether being wrapped in plastic is actually good for trees.
My town had a whole fundraiser centered around this concept last year. It was hugely successful and made the trees look awesome.
Won’t this harm the trees? I’d suggest sticking to man-made structures.
Here you go Mom! ha