
by Mazaudier Brigitte

Plastic Bags Creations

I use all sorts of plastic bags to make carpets, bags, cushions, toys…

Plastic Bags Creations 1 • Clothing
Plastic Bags Creations 3 • Clothing
Plastic Bags Creations 5 • Clothing


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I WANNA KNOW HHHOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to  thing

You cut the plastic bag into horizontal strips, basically making circles of plastic. You join the loops together by slipping one end of the loop through the other. Then you end up with a long “yarn” of plastic! You can knit, crochet, weave, knot, macrame, tat, braid, twist, or whatever your mind can think of with it. These are crocheted, very simple single crochet rounds. You make the different colors by cutting up different colors of plastic bags. I’ve experimented with it & it’s very fun. You can do the same thing with leftover t-shirts too, just cut them from… Read more »

Reply to  Rox

What size crochet hook do you use for the plastic bags and for the t-shirts? How wide are your horizontal strips?


Hola, me he metido en el enlace pero no pone cómo tejerlas. Sin embargo en esta página pone cómo hacer estos círculos paso a paso por si a alguien le interesa (los hacen con lana, pero el proceso es el mismo):

Gracias por tanta idea creativa.

Valérie Marchèse de Pietro
Valérie Marchèse de Pietro

c’est pas con ça !!! n’est ce pas Anne Abichacra Blengino et Anne Franco Biamonti…

Anne Franco Biamonti

J’en ai 1 mieux , je te le cherche et te l’envoie, je commence à mettre decôté !!!

Mireille Boyé

la façon de découper le sachet est important pour faire de long liens

Creative Connection, Inc.

These are quite beautiful!

Une économe futée accro à la déco

Love these !!! Will have to try and make one!

Valérie Marchèse de Pietro
Valérie Marchèse de Pietro

eviter les angles je suppose

Sommer Carrick

I wish I wasn’t limited to just English…there was a link to another page and she had made the coolest purse!! But I couldn’t read it :(

Esspunkt Kollig

Great stuff!!! (Y)


I love those iideas, there wonderful.I don’t know how to use my cell phone to view your wonderful crafts.


Somewhere I read that to make these you cut frozen food bags onto one fourth of an inch CONTINUOUS strip to get your plastic yarn.
Se cortan las.bolsas de comida congelada en tiras continuas de un cuarto de pulgada ( medio centímetro,más o menos)

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